Winter Break

Snowman in Okaimeden
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Jodi via Compfight

I had an amazing winter break, one that I will never forget! First, my family and I went to Arizona for Christmas to visit my family. For some reason, I live in Texas, but a lot of my family lives in Arizona. Anyway, my cousin Sean and I had a I-haven’t-seen-you-in-a-year reunion. We spent a lot of time together and playing games.

I didn’t really know what I wanted for Christmas. There wasn’t really anything I wanted. I had a great Christmas anyway.

Afterwards, I left with my Dad to go to Florida! For the first part of the trip we stayed in Key Largo. We went on a few scuba dives while we were there. My Dad saw an octopus that constantly changed colors! I saw a few sharks!

After Key Largo, we went to Orlando to stay at the Universal Studios Orlando Resort. (USOR) Interestingly, the USOR has TWO parks: The Islands of Adventure and the USOR! We spent three days at the resort having a ton of fun. My favorite ride was the Revenge of the Mummy! It is a roller coaster that is underground!

Finally, after all that, after 2 weeks of vacation, we got home. It was nice to be home. I really enjoyed my winter break. Did you do anything over the break?

Word of the Week: Attenuate


From MorgueFile

Attenuate means to make something slender, fine, or small.

I attenuated the stick to a point. 

It also means to weaken, or to become thin, weak or fine.

Go attenuate that wall, so we can break it down.

The stick was attenuating as I was attenuating it.

As an adjective, attenuate means reduced or weakened.

The boy became attenuated after years of bullying.

Did you enjoy this week’s Word of the Week? You can suggest the next one if you want!

I am From…

I am from…

I am from controllers

From screens and buttons

I am from the old gray couch

The sound of my dog greeting me

I am from the bluebonnet

The tree whose branches brushed my face every time I walked by

I’m from trips to Arizona and playing games

I’m from Angela and David

I’m from watching TV and playing with my Dad

And from leaving every Christmas

I’m from num nums and pasghetti

And the Birthday Song

I’m from meeting with the Gabbards

I’m from Arizona and Korea

And spaghetti and macaroni

From me putting my head in my Mom’s salad

The salad my Mom was eating.

I’m from all of these amazing memories about my life

All of the amazing memories I keep in my heart

Word of the Week: Game


From MorgueFile

Now games are one of my favorite past times. I play games every chance I get, but I only really play one kind of game. A game is some form of play or sport. This means chess, soccer, and chopsticks are all games. I usually play video games, although I do play soccer.

Game has multiple meanings though. It can mean being eager and willing to do something new or challenging.

I’m game for going to the house of torture tomorrow.

Game also means to gamble.

He’s going to game in the casino.

It even means to manipulate a situation in an unfair way!

I saw him try to game the election.

If you enjoyed learning about the word game, why don’t you comment a suggestion for next week? If I like your word, it might just be featured on the next Word of the Week!

EDIT: There won’t be a word of the week this week. Sorry! 🙁

The Word of the Week: Phobia

Now, a phobia is an extreme or irrational fear of something. That something could be anything. For Example, Acrophobia is the fear of heights. Remember, a phobia is the extreme fear of something.

The phobia I just told you about doesn’t seem that crazy, but there are some crazy ones out there. In this post, I’m going to talk about some of the weirder ones.

AllodoxaphobiaThe fear of opinions.

Imagine if you had this phobia. You would absolutely fear everybody! You would probably never talk to anybody with this phobia because they’ll give their opinion about the subject.


This one is long. Really long. In fact, it’s the longest phobia I know, and it means the fear of long words. Ironic, isn’t it?

Helminthophobia-The fear of being infested with worms

I find this one just ridiculous. I’ve never heard of anybody ever infested with worms. Would you just never go outside onto the dirt or eat an apple?


I want you to guess the meaning of this one. Have you guessed yet? Now? Good.

Phobophobia is the fear of phobias. Now just sit and think about that for a second. If you learned you were diagnosed with this, you would pretty much be scared of yourself until the end of time. You would know you have a phobia, and you would be scared of it.

You can find even more phobias here if you wish, but that’s enough for now.

I’m sorry I keep forgetting to post a Word of the Week, but make sure to be here for the next Word of the Week. See ya!


Word of the Week: Monday Edition! Spaghettification

     Welcome again to the Word of the Week! This time, Monday Edition!

     Today we’re going to talk about spaghettification. What is spaghettification? Is spaghettification the act of turning something into spaghetti? Will spaghettification involve turning things into spaghetti like pieces? Do I like to say spaghettification?

     No, yes, and a huge definitely.

     When you stand on Earth, gravity is pulling you down. The top of your head is affected by slightly less gravity than your feet. That is because your head is farther from Earth than your feet. The difference in gravity is miniscule. You’ll never notice it.

Now, if you’re falling into a black hole, that’s a different story. A black hole’s gravity is so great that if you were to fall into it feet first, it would get uncomfortable quick. As you fall in, feet first, the gravity difference between your head and feet would become enormous! Your body would begin to stretch, and stretch, and stretch, until you are just a line of atoms.

Here’s a really good video to explain other things about black holes. (including spaghettification):



I could smell it.

I could smell the Earth.

It was about to rain.

Plip! Plop! It drizzles down in a flash.

It falls everywhere.

All you can see is the rain.

You can feel the dirt turn to sludge.

You can hear the crash of thunder in the distance.

The dark clouds loom over you ominously.

It is dark, dank, and cold.

Nobody is around.

It is dark, dank, cold, and lonely.

Just like it started, it was over.

The clouds moved on to other lands.

The rain faded away into morning dew,

and rainbows crossed the sky.

As a side note, I’m going to try to get the word of the week to be on Sundays.

Word of the Week: Rainbow


From MorgueFile.



Ah rainbow, my favorite color. The color that includes almost all colors. Today, I’m going to celebrate that fact by making it the word of the week!

In school I have to submit a post every week, so I decided to do a word of the week for the post. I’ve already got the next 2 words in my head, but today, the word is rainbow.


     You know when you walk outside after it has rained, and the world is so nice, you can see a rainbow. Have you ever wondered what they were? Rainbows are formed by refraction in raindrops. Light in rain drops refract into all the colors. If so, why do we see the color in bands, not everywhere? Well, each color of light refracts at a different angle, so you only see red on a rainbow when there is a raindrop at the right height for red light to hit your eye. The same goes for all the other colors. Sometimes you see a second faint rainbow above the first one. This happens when light in a raindrop refracts twice. Also, if you look closely you can see that the faint second rainbow has the colors in reverse order. You can also find upside down rainbows high up by the North and South poles. There is even a moonbow, a rainbow that is made from the dim light from the moon. It looks like a white ark. Finally, you can never actually get to the end of a rainbow because as you move towards the rainbow, the rainbow moves away from you at the same speed!


“HowStuffWorks “The Ultimate Rainbow Quiz”” HowStuffWorks. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2013.

Harris, Tom. “How Rainbows Work.” HowStuffWorks. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2013.

“Did You Know? The Rainbow.” Did You Know? The Rainbow. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2013.