Word of the Week: Game


From MorgueFile

Now games are one of my favorite past times. I play games every chance I get, but I only really play one kind of game. A game is some form of play or sport. This means chess, soccer, and chopsticks are all games. I usually play video games, although I do play soccer.

Game has multiple meanings though. It can mean being eager and willing to do something new or challenging.

I’m game for going to the house of torture tomorrow.

Game also means to gamble.

He’s going to game in the casino.

It even means to manipulate a situation in an unfair way!

I saw him try to game the election.

If you enjoyed learning about the word game, why don’t you comment a suggestion for next week? If I like your word, it might just be featured on the next Word of the Week!

EDIT: There won’t be a word of the week this week. Sorry! 🙁