Challenge Week 5: A Memory of a Movie

In the past

When I was four

I would open that old drawer


Take the cassette

look at the cover

and watch it on my TV set.


The Aristocats

here’s a toast

to the  movie

I’ve watched most

To the joy you’ve brought me

and my nice family

and all the days in between


I’ve sang your songs

all joyous and long

so the whole wide world could know


I know your plot

inside and in a knot

and there is nothing else I need to know.

Thank you The Aristocats,

for if it weren’t for you,

I simply wouldn’t be me too.

I am From…

I am from…

I am from controllers

From screens and buttons

I am from the old gray couch

The sound of my dog greeting me

I am from the bluebonnet

The tree whose branches brushed my face every time I walked by

I’m from trips to Arizona and playing games

I’m from Angela and David

I’m from watching TV and playing with my Dad

And from leaving every Christmas

I’m from num nums and pasghetti

And the Birthday Song

I’m from meeting with the Gabbards

I’m from Arizona and Korea

And spaghetti and macaroni

From me putting my head in my Mom’s salad

The salad my Mom was eating.

I’m from all of these amazing memories about my life

All of the amazing memories I keep in my heart


I could smell it.

I could smell the Earth.

It was about to rain.

Plip! Plop! It drizzles down in a flash.

It falls everywhere.

All you can see is the rain.

You can feel the dirt turn to sludge.

You can hear the crash of thunder in the distance.

The dark clouds loom over you ominously.

It is dark, dank, and cold.

Nobody is around.

It is dark, dank, cold, and lonely.

Just like it started, it was over.

The clouds moved on to other lands.

The rain faded away into morning dew,

and rainbows crossed the sky.

As a side note, I’m going to try to get the word of the week to be on Sundays.